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A non-profit dedicated to creating a stronger workforce for Southeast Missouri

Now Taking Proposals


The Workforce Development Board of Southeast Missouri (WDBSE) is accepting proposals for an independent auditor. The WDBSE is a not-for-profit entity that receives funding from Federal, State, and private sources. The "Request for Proposal" can be downloaded here. 

Request for Proposal


Public Notices---- 

Workforce System Network Committee Meeting April 9, 2025

Financial Committee Meeting April 15, 2025

Full Quarterly Workforce Development Board of Southeast Missouri Meeting will be held in May 2, 2025. Date, time and location TBD. 

For additional information please contact

Gretchen Morse at 573-334-0990, ext. 301 or via email

Thank you for your support! 

Board Administration Office will be closed on the following dates:
January 1st, 2025 - New Years Day
January 20th, 2025-Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
February 17th, 2025-Presidents Day
May 26th, 2025-Memorial Day
June 19th, 2025-Juneteenth
July 4th, 2025-Independence Day
September 1st, 2025-Labor Day
November 11th, 2025-Veterans Day
November 26th, 2025-November 28th, 2025-Thanksgiving Holiday
December 24th, 2025 & December 25th, 2025-Christmas Holiday
December 31st, 2025-New Years Eve
January 1st, 2026-New Years Day



The Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development (MDHEWD) has launched the Return Strong initiative aimed at strengthening Missouri’s Workforce as it bounces back from the economic impacts of COIVD-19. The Return Strong initiative was devised to achieve two main goals: to help Missourians skill up and get back to work, and to reopen Missouri’s public workforce system safely and responsibly.

Missourians are strong, resilient and ready to get back to business. The backbone of a healthy economic recovery depends on everyone’s willingness to help control the spread of COVID-19. The Show Me Strong Pledge is a voluntary commitment to take a few simple steps that will aid in protecting the well-being of all Missourians.

We believe in you.

We believe that you are capable of great things. That's why the Workforce Development Board was created, to provide you with the tools to succeed. Our goal is to connect you with advanced training opportunities and exciting new career pathways.

Donation Jar

We need your help!

Program dollars can only be utilized for those fully enrolled in one of our programs. As you can see, this has been life changing for many people in Southeast Missouri.

In the past year, we provided:


·       $670,000 in funding for higher education


·       $120,000 funding for on-the-job training


·       $130,000 in funding for our youth summer work program


Unfortunately a great need still exists. On occasion someone may need a Birth Certificate or Driver’s License, things we must have as part of eligibility documentation. Or a young adult may be ineligible for the program but need assistance paying for their HiSet test. Because they aren’t enrolled, we are unable to help them with this. By making a donation, you can help these people in our region become one step closer to self-sufficiency and success. If you are unable to donate, please consider hosting a fundraiser on our behalf. We have an expressed need for toiletries and hygiene products in addition to monetary donations. Products may be dropped off at one of the local Job Centers.

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Contact The Workforce Development Board
of Southeast Missouri

1021 Kingsway Drive, Suite 1 Cape Girardeau, MO 63701



Gretchen Morse

©2020 by Workforce Development Board of Southeast Missouri. The Workforce Development Board of Southeast Missouri is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.  


This information can be translated into another language if requested. Please contact the Equal Opportunity Officer for the Southeast Workforce Development Board for document translation assistance.

Esta información se puede traducir a otro idioma si se solicita. Comuníquese con el Oficial de Igualdad de Oportunidades de la Junta de Desarrollo de la Fuerza Laboral del Sureste para obtener asistencia en la traducción de documentos.

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